
bm_skodajs_logo_rgb_logo_colorCENEN  ZČU Plzeň

at UWB
in Pilsen 12. 9. - 17. 10.

Are you interested in nuclear energy?

Do you know the challenges for the current energy sector?
Do you want to know how the nuclear reactor works?
Is nuclear energy safe? Environment-friendly? Useful? Get to know yourself!
Come and see the exhibition of nuclear devices at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.

Soutěže o tablety při každé prezentaci

Lectures by experts

Přednáší experti z oboru

tablet in each lecture

How to get to the conference and the exhibition? 

The conference takes place at the Faculty of Applied Sciences (Technicka street 8, 301 00 Pilsen) in the lecture hall US 217.
The exhibition is located at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Univerzitni street 22, 301 00 Pilsen) on the ground floor near the lecture rooms.

Both buildings are part of the university campus in Pilsen-Bory and there will be several signposts to guide you in the campus directly to the conference or exhibition. You can get to the university campus using:

A) Public transport - we kindly advise you to take the tram No. 4 (direction Univerzita) and to get off at Technicka stop that is right in front of the Faculty of Applied Sciences.

B) Car - two parking places will be reserved for you - P1 (150 m to the conference) and P2 (500 m to the conference). Parking place P1 is located next to the Faculty of Applied Sciences and has a capacity of 50 spaces. Parking place P2 is located in front of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and has a capacity of 100 spaces. You can use the map below to navigate to each parking place. From both parking places, signs in the campus will direct you to both the conference and the exhibition.

Be aware: You cannot drive through the university campus so if you want to drive between parking places P1 and P2, you need to go around the campus via streets Folmavská and U Letiště.




How to get to the gala dinner?

The Nuclear Days gala dinner takes place in the representative premises of the Pilsner Urquell Brewery in the Secese lounge (U Prazdroje 64/7, 301 00 Pilsen).

There will be signs in the brewery area directing you to the Secese lounge. You can use the public transport or car to get to the brewery from the university campus (conference & exhibition):

A) Public transport - tram No. 4 direction Košutka, getting off at the U Práce stop, where you change to trolleybus No. 11 (direction Ústřední hřbitov) or No. 15 (direction Lobzy) or No. 16 (direction Doubravka) and get off at the Hlavní nádraží stop. Then use the overhead footbridge and you will come directly to the famous Jubilee Gate of the brewery.

B) Car - parking is available directly on the brewery premises (larger parking place P1) or outside the brewery (smaller parking place P2).

For better orientation you can use the map below.


Student poster session

Would you like to present your bachelor's, master's or doctoral thesis in the field of nuclear energy?
Or do you have an interesting topic in this field and you are a student?
Do not hesitate, take the unique opportunity to present yourself at Nuclear Days 2024, prepare an interesting poster and win a financial reward!

All submitted posters will be divided into three categories as follows:

A) Bachelor theses or Bachelor students
B) Master theses or Master students

C) Dissertation or PhD students

Posters that deal with your thesis are accepted in case the thesis should be defended in 2024 or it was defended in 2023. Participation is open to students of Czech and foreign universities.

Posters in each category will be assessed by an expert commission and authors of the three best posters will be financially rewarded in the following order:

1st place - 600 EUR
2nd place - 400 EUR
3rd place - 300 EUR
Poster registration
Sign up your poster by July 18, 2024. Poster must be submitted by July 18, 2024

Presentations for grammar and secondary schools

We live in a radiation field


  • Lecture given by FNSPE CTU representative
      • September 18, 2024 from 9 AM

In case you are interrested, please contact us via

The term “radiation” is often connected with concerns about the operation of nuclear power plants. However, few people realise that the Earth’s surface, fauna and flora also comprise radioactive elements. Moreover, all living organisms are exposed to the radiation coming from outer space. Yet humans have developed in this environment and live happily and without health consequences. Although radioactive radiation sources are often associated with the operation of nuclear power plants, ionizing radiation is also widely used in industry, chemistry, biology and medicine. Everyone has undergone an X-ray examination at some point in their life or heard about computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Ionizing radiation is used for non-destructive material testing, measuring the thickness of semi-finished products, in fire alarms, for food sterilisation and other purposes. Although ionizing radiation can be used in a great variety of applications and helps us in various fields of human activity, its potential hazards cannot be ignored. What radiation dose are we exposed to during a medical examination or visit to a nuclear power plant? What about the natural radionuclides around us?

From a natural nuclear reactor to nuclear power engineering


  • Lecture given by Ing. Jan Zdebor, CSc. (UWB)
      • September 25, 2024 from 9 AM

In case you are interrested, please contact us via

Paradoxically, the first constructor of a nuclear reactor able to maintain a fission chain reaction was not a human, but nature itself. In the African area known as Oklo, there were several natural nuclear reactors. The lecture provides a historical description of the physical phenomenon of fission from these first natural reactors, through the first attempts at the artificial launch of a fission chain reaction, to the present-day mass utilisation of nuclear power in power engineering. All this and a lot more are included in this lecture. The lecture is accompanied by an attractive presentation of photographs, charts and drawings.

Myths and facts about the nucleus
(+ Fukushima 13 years on)


  • Lecture given by: doc. Ing. Václav Dostál, Sc.D. (CTU/FME)
    • October 2, 2024 from 9 AM

In case you are interrested, please contact us via

The accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant drew attention to the risks associated with the use of nuclear power. In some countries, it had a substantial impact on the further operation of nuclear power plants.

New myths keep cropping up with regards to the significant impact of the use of nuclear power plants on the environment. Responsible assessment of the risks associated with the use of nuclear power forms part of this lecture. The lecture also includes information about the accident at the Fukushima power plant, summarises the current situation there, and addresses the events that followed all over the world in reaction to the accident. The lecture is accompanied by an attractive presentation of photographs, charts and drawings.

Energy mix and the role of nuclear power engineering


    • Lecture given by ČEZ, a. s. representative
      • October 9, 2024 from 9 AM

In case you are interrested, please contact us via

A global view of power engineering in the world today, the necessity to realise the value of available energy, the importance of its sufficiency and of the availability and finite nature of resources - all this is addressed in this lecture. The lecture includes a brief description of all types of energy mix sources and their advantages and disadvantages, a comprehensible explanation of the principle and operation of a nuclear power plant, as well as descriptions of a fission reaction, methods of control, the basic components of nuclear power plants and their functions, and the safety of nuclear power plants and their place in the energy mix. The lecture is accompanied by an attractive presentation of photographs, charts and drawings.

The environment and radioactive wastes


    • Lecture given by SÚRAO representative
      • October 16, 2024 from 9 AM

In case you are interrested, please contact us via

The operation of nuclear installations, not only nuclear power plants, and their decommissioning at the end of their service life, generates large quantities of radioactive wastes or only potentially radioactive materials. A part of such materials may be released into the environment without the necessity for their long-term controlled storage, while some others must be stored safely over a long period.

What are the perspectives and can we get rid of such wastes reliably?

The lecture also includes information on the path of uranium, from mining through the enrichment process, manufacture of nuclear fuel and irradiation in a nuclear reactor to the methods of handling the spent fuel from the moment it is removed from the nuclear reactor.

At the exhibition you will see

  • Models of reactors
  • Models of spent nuclear fuel containers
  • Model of deep repository
    for spent nuclear fuel
  • Cloud chamber
  • Model of nuclear fuel cartridge for the PWR1000 reactor
  • Radiometer
  • and much more...

Conference presentations

September 15th,  2021 / 1st day of conference - video available here

10:00 Introduction

doc. Dr. RNDr. Miroslav Holeček, rector of the University of West Bohemia

guarantor of ND2021 – Ing. Jan Zdebor, CSc. (vice-dean FST/UWB)

Introduction moderated by Mgr. Kamila Kolářová, Head of Public Relations, UWB

10:30–12:15 Plenary session

PhDr. Tomáš Ehler, MBA – Deputy Minister of Nuclear Energy, Ministry of Industry and Trade - presentation here

Dr. John Roberts  – Department of Nuclear Energy, IAEA - presentation here

Ing. Petr Závodský – Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director, EDU II a.s. - presentation here

Ing. František Krček – Vice-chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director, ŠKODA JS a.s. - presentation here

prof. Ing. Tomáš Čechák, CSc. – ČVUT/FJFI - Chairman of CENEN - presentation here

doc. Ing. František Hezoučký, Ph.D. – UWB - nuclear expert - presentation here

Plenary session moderated by Ing. Jan Zdebor, CSc. (vice-dean FST/UWB).

13:30–15:30 1. SESSION „New projects and technology for NPPs“

guarantor: doc. Ing. František Hezoučký, Ph.D., ZČU

WESTINGHOUSE (USA) - presentation here

KHNP (Jižní Korea) - presentation here

ROSATOM (Rusko) - presentation here

EdF (Francie) - presentation here

Hanhikivi (Finsko) - presentation here

16:00–18:00 2. SESSION „I&C for NPPs - Current status and perspective for development“

guarantor: Ing. Karel Stočes, ZAT a.s.

Ing. Karel Stočes, ZAT a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Tomáš Záruba, ŠKODA JS a.s. - presentation here

dataPartner s.r.o.

Ing. Jana Kubínová, Rolls-Royce Civil Nuclear - presentation here


September 16th, 2021 / 2nd day of conference - video available here

9:00–11:00 3. SESSION „New materials and technology for NPPs“

guarantor: RNDr. Milan Brumovský, CSc., ÚJV Řež, a.s.

Ing. Jana Kalivodová, Ph.D., Centrum výzkumu Řež s.r.o. - presentation here

prof. Pablo Rubiolo, INP Grenoble, France - presentation here

Ing. Tomáš Soukup, ŠKODA JS a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Ladislav Benýr, ŠKODA JS a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Martin Vaňkát, Centrum výzkumu Řež s.r.o. - presentation here

Ing. Josef Běláč, ALVEL a.s. - presentation here

11:30–13:30 4. SESSION „NPP decommissioning and long-term radioactive waste storage“

guarantor: Ing. Jan Jílek, ŠKODA JS a.s.

guarantor: Ing. Miroslav Božik, Ph.D., JAVYS a.s.

Ing. Jan Hrbek, Ph.D., Centrum výzkumu Řež s.r.o. - presentation here

Ing. Tomáš Fischer, JAVYS a.s.

Ing. Peter Krupa, JAVYS a.s.

Ing. Jaromír Sud, SÚRAO - presentation here

Ing. Václav Svoboda, ŠKODA JS a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Michal Mikulášek, ŠKODA JS a.s.- presentation here

14:00–16:00 5. SESSION „Turbines for NPPs & district heating“

guarantor: Ing. Jiří Fiala, expert in energetics

prof. Ing. Michal Kolovratník, CSc., doc. Ing. Václav Dostál, Ph.D., ČVUT - presentation here

Ing. Luboš Prchlík, Ph.D., Doosan Škoda Power - presentation here

doc. Ing. Martin Luxa, Ph.D., Ing. David Šimurda, Ph.D., Institute of Thermomechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences - presentation here

Ing. Petr Neuman, CSc., NEUREG - presentation here

Ing. Hussein Abushamah, FEL UWB - presentation here

Ing. Jan Černý, CPE  - presentation here

September 14th,  2022 / 1st day of conference  - video available here
10:00 Introduction

doc. Dr. RNDr. Miroslav Holeček, rector of the University of West Bohemia

guarantor of ND2022 – Ing. Jan Zdebor, CSc. (vice-dean FST/UWB)

Introduction moderated by Mgr. Šárka Stará, press agent UWB.


10:15–12:15 Plenary session

Ing. Pavel Šotola – Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Nuclear Energy Department - presentation here

Dr. John Roberts – Department of Nuclear Energy, IAEA - presentation here

Ing. Zbyněk Mrázek – Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and Project Director, EDU II a.s. - presentation here

Ing. František Krček – Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director, ŠKODA JS a.s. - presentation here

prof. Dr. Leon Cizelj – President ENS a ENEN - presentation here

prof. Ing. Tomáš Čechák, CSc. – CTU/FNSPE - Chairman of CENEN - presentation here

RNDr. Vladimír Wagner, CSc. – CAS - presentation here

Plenary session moderated by Ing. Jan Zdebor, CSc. (vice-dean FST/UWB).


13:30–15:30 1. SESSION „New projects and technology for NPPs“

guarantor: doc. Ing. František Hezoučký, Ph.D., ZČU

Arnaud Douveneau, Nuward, EDF (Francie) - presentation here

Min Whan Chang, KHNP (Jižní Korea) - presentation here

Julie Gorgemans, Westinghouse (USA) - presentation here

Noel Camarcat, Jan Bartak, NucAdvisor (Francie) - presentation here

Balazs Lakatos, MVM EGI (Maďarsko) - presentation here


16:00–18:00 2. SESSION „I&C for NPPs - Current status and perspective for development“

guarantor: Ing. Tomáš Záruba, ŠKODA JS a.s.

Ing. Tomáš Záruba, ŠKODA JS a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Robert Peca, OSC, a.s. - presentation here

Bc. Zdeněk Ondráček, TES s.r.o. - presentation here

Ing. Michal Pánik, Framatome Controls Bratislava - presentation here

Ing. Karel Stočes, ZAT a.s. - presentation here


September 15th, 2022 / 2nd day of conference - video available here
9:00–11:00 3. SESSION „New materials and technology for NPPs“

guarantor: Ing. Daneš Burket, Ph.D., ČNS

Ing. Leoš Křivský, CV Řež s.r.o. - presentation here

prof. Pablo Rubiolo, INP Grenoble, France - presentation here

Ing. Ladislav Benýr, ŠKODA JS a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Stanislav Linhart, Ph.D., ALVEL a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Antonín Rudolf, ŠKODA JS a.s. - presentation here


11:30–13:30 4. SESSION „NPP decommissioning and long-term radioactive waste storage“

guarantor: RNDr. Lukáš Vondrovic, Ph.D., SÚRAO

Ing. Jan Hrbek, Ph.D., CV Řež s.r.o. - presentation here

RNDr. Lukáš Vondrovic, Ph.D., SÚRAO - presentation here

Ing. Zdena Lahodová, SÚRAO - presentation here

Ing. Marián Vrtoch, JAVYS, a.s.- presentation here


14:00–16:00 5. SESSION „Turbines for NPPs & district heating“

guarantor: Ing. Jiří Fiala, expert in energetics

prof. Ing. Vladimír Slugeň, DrSc., STU Bratislava - presentation here

doc. Ing. Martin Luxa, Ph.D., Ing. David Šimurda, Ph.D., Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR - presentation here

Ing. Jan Peterka, Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o.

Ing. Petr Neuman, CSc., NEUREG sdr. Praha - presentation here

September 14th,  2023 / 1st day of conference
10:00 Introduction

prof. Ing. Josef Basl CSc., vice-rector of the University of West Bohemia

guarantor of ND2023 – Ing. Jan Zdebor, CSc., FME/UWB

Introduction moderated by Mgr. Kamila Kolářová, head of the public relations department at UWB.


10:30–13:00 1st Plenary session "Share of NPPs in the energy mix of the EU and Czech Republic"

PhDr. Tomáš Ehler, Ph.D. MBA – Deputy Minister of Nuclear Energy, Ministry of Industry and Trade - presentation here

Ing. Jan Barták, Ph.D. – President of  Nucadvisor - presentation here

prof. Dr. Leon Cizelj – President ENS a ENEN - presentation here

Ing. Karel Vinkler, MBA – Director of Strategy Section of ČEPS, a. s. - presentation here

Ing. Petr Závodský – Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director, EDU II a.s. - presentation here

JUDr. Daniel Procházka – Chief Operating and Commercial Officer of Doosan Škoda Power s. r. o. - presentation here

Ing. František Krček – Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director, ŠKODA JS a.s. - presentation here

Plenar sesssion moderated by Ing. Jan Zdebor, CSc. (FST/UWB).


15:00–16:30 1. SESSION “New projects for NPPs in the EU and the Czech Republic and education of new specialists”

guarantor: prof. Ing. Tomáš Čechák, CSc., ČVUT/FJFI

Ashok Ganesan, IAEA - presentation here

Karen Daifuku, Executive Director I2EN - presentation here

Ki Sig Kang, Ph.D., P.E., KINGS - presentation here

Ing. Patrik Soukup, EDU II - presentation here

Balazs Lakatos, MVM EGI - presentation here


16:45–18:15 2. SESSION “Fuel Cycle Back-End”

guarantor: RNDr. Lukáš Vondrovic, Ph.D., Director SÚRAO

RNDr. Lukáš Vondrovic, Ph.D., SÚRAO - presentation here

Ing. Stanislav Linhart, Ph.D., ALVEL a.s.- presentation here

Ing. Michaela Matulová, SÚRAO - presentation here

Ing. Václav Svoboda, ŠKODA JS a. s. - presentation here

RNDr. Tibor Rapant, Ph.D., JAVYS a.s. - presentation here


September 15th,  2023 / 2nd day of conference
9:00–11:00  2nd Plenary session “Nuclear power and heating – The outlook of heat supply in the Czech Republic”

Ing. Silvana Jirotková, Director of the SMR unit of ČEZ, a. s. - presentation here

Ing. Jiří Vecka, Heating Association of the Czech Republic - presentation here

Ing. Štěpán Šmída, Sales Manager Businness Drivers Doosan Škoda Power s. r. o. - presentation here

RNDr. Vladimír Wagner, CSc., Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - presentation here

Plenary session moderated by Ing. Jiří Marek (president of the Assoc. of Nuclear Veterans CZ)


11:15–13:00 3. SESSION “NPPs for district heating”

guarantor: Ing. Jiří Fiala, energy expert

Ing. Tereza Kubíková, Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. - presentation here

Ing. Martin Čermák, Ph.D., SUAS Group - presentation here

Ing. Martin Šroubek, MBA, Teplárny Brno a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Jan Barták, Ph.D., Nucadvisor, Calogena - presentation here

Ing. Lucie Židová, CH projekt Plzeň s.r.o. - presentation here

Ing. Petr Neuman, NEUREG s.r.o. - presentation here


13:30–15:30 4. SESSION “LTO“

guarantor: Ing. Sedlák, ÚJV Řež, a.s.

Ing. Jan Wandrol, ÚJV Řež a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Jan Barták, Ph.D., Nucadvisor - presentation here

Ing. Miroslav Žamboch, ÚJV Řež a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Jiří Sedlák, ÚJV Řež a.s. - presentation here

September 12th,  2024 / 1st day of conference
10:00 Introduction

prof. RNDr. Miroslav Lávička, Ph.D., rector of the University of West Bohemia

guarantor of ND2023 – Ing. Jan Zdebor, CSc., FME/UWB

Introduction moderated by Mgr. Kamila Kolářová, head of the public relations department at UWB.


10:30–13:00 1st Plenary session "Decarbonisation of the EU and Czech energy mix"

PhDr. Tomáš Ehler, Ph.D. MBA – Deputy Minister of Nuclear Energy, Ministry of Industry and Trade - Did not agree to public the presentation

Ing. Jan Barták, Ph.D. – President of  Nucadvisor - presentation here

Ing. Karel Vinkler, MBA – Director of Strategy Section of ČEPS, a. s. - presentation here

Ing. Petr Závodský – Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Director, EDU II a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Alois Míka - KHNP advisor - presentation here

Petr Altschul - Vice-Chairman of PAS and General Director of ŠKODA JS a.s. - presentation here

JUDr. Daniel Procházka – Chief Operating and Commercial Officer of Doosan Škoda Power s. r. o. - presentation here

Plenar sesssion moderated by Ing. Jan Zdebor, CSc. (FST/UWB).


15:00–16:30 1. SESSION “Preparing new nuclear professionals
Europe's future”

guarantor: prof. Ing. Tomáš Čechák, CSc., ČVUT/FJFI

prof. Prof. John Roberts - IAEA - presentation here

prof. Dr. Leon Cizelj - President of ENS and ENE - presentation here

prof. Ki Sig Kang, Ph.D, P.E. - KINGS - presentation here

Ing. Jan Rataj, Ph.D. - CTU/ FJFI/KJR - presentation here

16:45–18:15 2. SESSION “The life cycle of a nuclear power plant”

guarantor: RNDr. Lukáš Vondrovic, Ph.D., Director SÚRAO 

RNDr. Lukáš Vondrovic, Ph.D. - Director of SÚRAO - presentation here

Prof. Ing. Vladimír Slugeň - STU Bratislava (Slovakia) - presentation here

Ing. Zoltán Takács, MBA - MVM EGI (Hungary) - presentation here

RNDr. Jaroslav Holý - head of the department. Reliability and risks of ÚJV Řež, a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Peter Krupa - team leader decom. NPP V1, JAVYS a.s. (Slovakia) - presentation here

Ing. Antonín Rudolf - Head of Machine Design ŠKODA JS a.s. - presentation without videos here, for download with videos here

September 15th,  2023 / 2nd day of conference
9:00–11:00  2nd Plenary session “Jaderné zdroje tepla pro dálkové vytápění”

Ing. Jan Barták, Ph.D. - President of NucAdvisor (F) - presentation here

Ing. Jiří Vecka, Ph.D. - Thermal Association of the Czech Republic - presentation here

RNDr. Vladimír Wagner, CSc. - CAS - presentation here

Ing. P. Neuman, CSc. - NEUREG, s.r.o. - presentation here

Plenary session moderated by Ing. Jiří Marek (president of the Assoc. of Nuclear Veterans CZ)


11:15–13:00 3. SESSION “SMR - Future Energy Resources”

guarantor: RNDr. Vladimír Wagner, CSc. - CAS

prof. JUDr. Jakub Handrlica, LL.M., Ph.D., DSc. - Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University  - presentation here

Ing. Jan Jílek - SMR Development Unit, ČEZ, a. s. - presentation here

Ing. Jiří Duspiva - ÚJV Řež, a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Martin Čermák, Ph.D. - Technical Director of SUAS Group - presentation here

Ing. Pavel Suk - ALVEL a.s. - presentation here

Bc. Martin Groch, MBA - CEO Czechatom a.s. - presentation here

Ing. Tomáš Peltan - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, ZČU - presentation here

Student posters

1. place - Jana Kittnerová and others: Sorpce vybraných radionuklidů na cementové materiály

2. place - J. Závorka and others: Analýza axiální profilace palivového proutku s Gd2O3 pro palivo VVER-1000

3. place - J. Syblík and others: Subchannel Analysis of VVER-440 using SUBCHANFLOW

M. Cihlář and others: Czech Nickel-based Superalloy MoNiCr Is a Superior Construction Material for Molten Salt Reactors
D. Mašata and others: TEPLATOR: Basic Economics Study on the Competiveness of the Concept
T. Peltan and others: Natural Uranium as Alternative Fuel for TEPLATOR
E. Vilímová and others: Possible Implementation of Ex-Core Measurement in TEPLATOR
M. Volf and others: CFD Simulation of the Cooling System of a Calorimeter Detector
M. Zeman and others: TEPLATOR DEMO: Basic Design of the Primary Circuit

Jana Kittnerová a další - Sorpce vybraných radionuklidů na cementové materiály  J. Závorka a další: Analýza axiální profilace palivového proutku s Gd203 pro palivo VVER 1000  J. Syblík a další: Subchannel Analysis of VVER 440 using SUBCHANFLOW M. Cihlář a další: Czech Nickel-based Superalloy MoNiCr Is a Superior Construction Material for Molten Salt ReactorsM. Zeman a další: TEPLATOR DEMO: Basic Design of the Primary CircuitD. Mašata a další: TEPLATOR: Basic Economics Study on the Competiveness of the ConceptT. Peltan a další: Natural Uranium as Alternative Fuel for TEPLATORE. Vilímová a další: Possible Implementation of Ex-Core Measurement in TEPLATORM. Volf a další: CFD Simulation of the Cooling System of a Calorimeter Detector

Bachelor study programme

1st place - Jana SKÁLOVÁ, Faculty of Health Care Studies, UWB in Pilsen: Effect of the Ionizing Radioation Dose on Histone H2AX

2nd place - Anna GOLUBKO, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague: Corrosion behaviour of materials for molten-solt reactors

3rd place - Konstiantyn SKRYPNYK, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Ukraine: Modelling of automated controls processes of the water level in the steam generators of the nuclear power plants


Master study programme

1st place - Pavol KOSIAK, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UWB in Pilsen: Modelling of transonic flow through turbine blade cascade TR-U-9

2nd place - Ivan MYKHAILYUK, Vinnytsya National Technical University, Ukraine: Improving the quality of diagnosing power transformers using FRAnalizer

3rd place - Kamila KHUZHAZHINOVA, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia: Development of a psychophysical testing metodology aimed at identyfying persons potentiallly prone to committing malicious acts at nuclear fuel cycle facilities


Ph.D. study programme

1st place - Miroslav GLEITZ, Czech Technical University in Prague: High Heat Flux Cooling

2nd place - Petr KLAVÍK, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UWB in Pilsen: PIV Modeling of the Flow behind the Mixing Grids

3rd place - Jan SYBLÍK, Czech Technical University in Prague: Supercritical CO2 Cycles for Fusion Power Plants


Bachelor study programme

1st place - Ondřej LACHOUT, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU, Prague: Analysis of Operational Characteristics of a SMR with ATF

2nd place - Jan ULLMANN, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UWB, Pilsen: SMRs Technologies for District Heating in the Czech Republic

3rd place - Josef SABOL,Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU, Prague: Nuclear Reactors for Space Exploration


Master study programme

1st place - Matyáš JUNEK, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU, Prague: Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger (PCHE) Design Code Development in Python Language

2nd place - Jakub ŠPAČEK, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU, Prague: Liquid Salt Measurement Technologies

3rd place - Vojtěch SMOLÍK, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU, Prague: High Heat Flux Cooling Techology


Ph.D. study programme

1st place - Jiří ZÁVORKA, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen: The New Concept Of Neutron Absorbers Placed Directly Within Spent Nuclear Fuel

2nd place - Petr KLAVÍK, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UWB, Pilsen: Investigation Of Heat Transfer In The Annular Channel Around The Heated Wall Of The Fuel Rod

3rd place - Daniel VLČEK, Czech Technical University in Prague: Two Phase Flow Boiling Simulations Of Debora Experiments Using Eulerian CFD Approach


Student posters can be downloaded here
Bachelor study programme

1st place - Matej LEŠKO, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU, Prague: Validation Of Prototype For Viscositymeasurement Of Molten Corium

2nd place - Marek NEJMAN, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU, Prague: Leidenfrost Effect And The High Heat Flux Cooling In Tokamaks

3rd place - Ondřej NOVÁK, University of West Bohemia, PIlsen: Nuclear Reactors for Space Exploration


Master study programme

1st place - Mauro SPRÒ, NEMO group, Dipartimento Energia , Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy: 3D Transient CFD Simulation of nn In-Vessel Loss-of Coolant Accident in the EU Demo Wcll Breeding Blanket

2nd place - Ondřej LACHOUT, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, CTU, Prague: Study on Neutronic and Thermohydraulic of Lead Cooled Reactor With Uranium Nitride Fuel

3rd place - Jan ULLMANN, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UWB, Pilsen: Fire Protection at NPP


Ph.D. study programme

1st place - Jan HRBEK, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen: Design of Experimental Methods for Investigating Corium Properties and Behavior

2nd place - Nicolò ABRATE, Energy department - NEMO group Corso Duca degli Abruzzi – 10129, Italy: Methods for Safety and Stability Analysis of Nuclear Systems

3rd place - Cristiano CIURLUINI, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy: Design and Thermal-Hydraulic Transient Analysis of Primary Cooling Systems for Tokamak Fusion Reactors


Student posters can be downloaded here

Photo gallery

Conference partners










                  EDF             GOLD_Westinghouse                Rosatom                 JAVYS              

UJV group




TES                  ZAT                   ČNS                   Rolls-Royce


Doosan Škoda Power           SILVER_Atommuzeum - black                   SÚRAO


All for_Power                             Jaderná energie








        UJV_EN_logo_A_cmyk_GRAF         Doosan_horizontal         JAVYS      fortum_logo_RGB


MVM_EGI_Zrt_RGB__emblem_OK_1            Westinghouse Logo





TES                  ČNS                   SÚRAO


RVB_FRAMATOME_HD      ZAT      Alvel


OSC_logo_RGB          EDF    SMR_EDF_LogoPourFondClair_RVB


All for_Power               Jaderná energie          MM_logo     PEMAGAZIN_logo kontura         ENERGY_HUB_logo_transparent (1)-1
logo Energetika




                 EDF_Logo_4C_v_F          Westinghouse LogoKHNP


     bm_doosan_logo_1_0_rgb_vertical_dark_blue  PK-logo-zona-B_PNG
MVM_EGI_Zrt_RGB__emblem_OK_1                        Logo_UJV_CMYK        


Alvel         javys-logo-zakladny-zjednoduseny-variant          TES         ZAT

  suas-group-logo-barevna (6)        suas-group-logo-barevna (6)       SÚRAO 


MM_logo_new           PEMAGAZIN_logo kontura         ENERGY_HUB_logo_transparent (1)-1       MedialniPartner_AllForPower  
Energetika_logo_modre            MedialniPartner_JE


enen_bitmap      EN_Co-fundedbytheEU_RGB_POS

This event has been partially supported by the ENEN2plus project founded by the European Union (HORIZON-EURATOM- 2021-NRT-01-13 101061677).









MVM_EGI_Zrt_RGB___emblem_OK_1        bm_doosan_logo_1_0_rgb_vertical_dark_blue   Westinghouse Logo

cez-skupina_logo_vertikalni_cz_barva_pozitiv_rgb     PK-logo-zona-B_PNG          Logo_UJV_CMYK        



javys-logo-zakladny-variant-xl     SÚRAO      Logo_ENERGY_SAFETY_GROUP (2)  






MM_spektrum         MedialniPartner_AllForPower         MedialniPartner_JE